Meet Antonio Espinoza


As an NYCNVC core team member, Antonio fulfills the role of trainer, mentor and executive.

Antonio discovered NVC in 2011 as a staff member of an organic farm in Hawaii where it was taught and used as a way to resolve conflict within the staff. Inspired by his experience on the farm, witnessing it's effectiveness, Antonio decided to move back to his hometown of New York City in 2012 and study at NYCNVC. Since then Antonio has completed over 1,500 hours of professional NVC training. During his time at the organization he has worked to support the work of Thom Bond.

Antonio works in 25 countries using two languages. He leads Practice Groups, Discovery Weekends, Advanced Intensives, and is the founder, Director, and Lead Trainer of El Curso de Compasión (the Spanish version of The Compassion Course Online). Antonio is known for being "comprehensive and deep yet understandable". His ability to both learn and practice NVC serves as a model and an inspiration for all those who work with him.

Today as a trainer he continues to provide grassroots peace education to a growing population of communities throughout the Americas. Antonio's work is focused on projects throughout the Northeast of the United States as well as Central and South America.

In addition to his contributions as a trainer, Antonio's executive role in communication and development work has been a major factor in the organization's ability to expand throughout the globe, serving over 120 countries throughout the globe, including work in Spanish, Arabic and German speaking regions of the world.

To contact Antonio: